


I am a PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Soy mexicana y vivo en Vancouver. I have an interdisciplinary background in Sociology, Comparative Literatures, and Cultural Management. As a graduate student, I’m a huge advocate for work-life balance, and I don’t work on weekends!

Current literary obsession: Amparo Dávila’s short stories
Favourite time of the day: Morning coffee with my husband Gian Carlo
Next goal: Run a marathon in 2025
Apps I use to stay organized: Todoist and iCloud Calendar


My doctoral research lies at the intersection of gender-based violence, contemporary Mexican Gothic fiction, and feminism. Other research interests include Testimony, Digital Humanities, and Sound Studies.

My dissertation tracks how contemporary literary works by Mexican women are increasingly engaging with the Gothic mode to grapple with gender-based violence. Drawing on Gothic and Horror Studies, Gender Theories, and Feminist Studies, I demonstrate that the authors in my corpus not only capture and portray the horrors of patriarchal violence, but they do so in ways that expose the entanglement among gender, class, race, politics, and neoliberal logic. Check out this article to find out more about my research!

Other projects

The Adaptive TEI Network: Antiracist, Decolonial, and Inclusive Markup Interventions

I’m collaborating with other graduate students, faculty, and DH librarians at UBC and SFU to co-write a new TEI schema that attends to antiracist, decolonial, inclusive, and feminist practices for encoding and analyzing texts in digital form. I’m currently learning XML-TEI.

Find out more about our work here and check out the poster I presented recently at the Text Encoding Initiative conference in October 2024.

(Re)appearing the Desaparecidos: Testimonial Mural Art and Intergenerational Trauma of the Argentinean Dictatorship (1976–1983)

Since 2020, I have been working as a Research Assistant under the supervision of Dr. Cristina Santos and Dr. Adriana Spahr. This interdisciplinary project examines Argentinean testimonial art production and testimonies. As part of my duties, I am transcribing and translating (Spanish/English) testimonies. As a research team, we travelled to Buenos Aires to conduct field work (June 2022) and co-organized an international conference in Canada. Read more about that event here.

Sound and the Humanities Research Cluster (2022-2024)

I worked as a Research Assistant for my supervisor, Dr. Tamara Mitchell. In addition to maintaining the cluster’s website, I co-facilitated discussions in reading groups, and created a podcast episode! Coming soon.


Refereed publications:

Non-refereed publications:

Teaching and resources






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Copyright © Sarah Revilla-Sanchez, 2025